Разница между 4WD-HI и 4WD-LOW
на форумах пишут, что разницы между режимами hi и low с точки зрения проходимости нет вообще. Дескать, на low всё тоже самое, только включен пониженный ряд, который практически не нужен, разве что вы решили камаз в гору затащить на буксире. По моим наблюдениям, это совсем не так!
Довелось несколько раз проехаться по рыхлому песку и вот что заметил. Еду медленно на HI и чувствую, что машина встала и начала буксовать. Сразу же включаю LOW и с того же места без раскачки спокойно трогаюсь даже без пробуксовки! И так несколько раз подряд.
Второй эффект — при движении на LOW при входе в поворот по подвеске проходит ощутимый толчок — очень похоже на то, что в этот момент разблокируются муфта. На HI такого нету, а это означает следующую вещь:
1. В режиме HI муфта по-умолчанию разблокирована (возможно, частично).
2. В режиме LOW муфта жестко заблокирована (и, вероятно, включена имитация межколёсных блокировок).
The Difference Between 4WD Hi And 4WD Low: Fully Explained
Appropriate use of 4-Hi and 4-Low is of utmost importance for the longevity and protection of your transmission, drive-train, and transfer box components. Each gear selection has a very specific function and as a 4WD owner, you need to understand what the differences are and exactly which situation calls for the correct gear selection.
What is the difference between 4-Hi and 4-Low and when should you use it? 4-Hi propels all 4 wheels and should be engaged when the driving surface becomes slippery and the risk of losing traction on your wheels increases. 4-Low utilizes low-range gear ratios in the transfer box for optimum traction and power usability.
4-Low should only be used at low speed when navigating over challenging terrains such as:
- Rock crawling
- Sand
- Steep slippery inclines
- Steep declines.
- Mud & Ruts
The next part will discuss what 4 High and 4 Low mean and the maximum speed you should drive in 4 Lo. To find out more about the correct usage of 4-Hi and 4-Lo and the different functionality of each, keep reading…
Table of Contents
What Do 4 High And 4 Low Mean?
The 4 symbolized in “4-Lo” indicates that your vehicle is in 4-wheel drive mode. This means all 4 wheels are being propelled forward at the axles by the engine via the transmission and transfer case. The “lo” represented in “4-Lo” indicates that the low-range mode has been engaged in the transfer box. Most off-road 4×4 vehicles have a 2H, 4H, and 4-Lo setting. Vehicles with 4-Lo are equipped with a transfer case that uses much lower gear ratios to utilize the available power and torque of the vehicle easier.
Low-range or 4-Lo is a very powerful function of a 4WD and allows you to accomplish feats no 2WD ever could. You engage low-range to get you through soft sand, over tall sand dunes, up steep hills, and down difficult mountain tracks. It will even get you through deep mud or snow, and it’ll help you drive over boulders and deep ruts with ease. Use it wisely and your 4WD will, not only take you to many amazing places but also bring you back home safely. The lower gearing also improves your 4×4’s capabilities because it uses the vehicle’s engine braking, which helps to control your progress and speed going downhill. This allows for more controlled handling without placing all the stress on the brakes alone.
As mentioned earlier, 4-Lo is used only when you require optimal traction and absolute maximum power. This is only to be engaged when the terrain is really difficult and driving conditions force you to lower your speed and gear selection down to 1st or 2nd gear. Extreme rock crawling when you need to negotiate each obstacle slowly and precisely will call for 4-Lo. Driving through thick loose beach sand with a load will require 4-Lo to prevent damage to your vehicle’s clutch or to decrease the risk of overheating the gearbox if you are driving an automatic 4-wheel drive vehicle. When doing any deep river crossings you are better off engaging 4-lo to ensure you are getting optimum traction and using the power available to you sufficiently.
The first thing you should do before venturing on sand is to decrease your tire pressure. 16 psi is usually the magic number without too much risk of de-beading the tire from the rim. However, that said, sand can be a slightly trickier situation to negotiate because the driving conditions can vary vastly. Read: How to Drive Volkswagen Amarok in Sand here.
For example, if the sand is compact and wet then a 4×4 could easily drive over it without causing undue strain to the transfer case and gearbox. The vehicle would basically glide over the surface without any difficulty. However, if the sand is thick and loose and the surface is uneven with dunes to climb, without a shadow of a doubt, select 4-Lo and approach with caution.
On the sand, you always want to travel as fast as necessary but as slow as possible. Keep the momentum going and do not allow your revs to drop too low. 4-Low in 2nd and 3rd gear is perfect for sand driving. If you are climbing loose sand dunes, you will need to stay in 3rd gear low-range and climb it out by keeping the vehicle in the power band range.
You will need to know your vehicle’s rev range and where it starts to dip off and change up to a lower gear before it is too late. Sand driving requires constant negotiating and concentration on both the terrain ahead as well as your rev counter. Higher-revving gas (petrol) vehicles generally do well in sand as they have a wider rev range to play with. Diesel vehicles have a smaller shorter rev range and require more gear shifting if you are driving a stick-shift (manual).
Look after your 4×4 and it will look after you. Get to know your vehicle and its capabilities as well as its shortfalls. Remember, if you are driving below 15 mph and negotiating a tricky obstacle then 4-Lo is perfect. If you can exceed 40 mph without risking vehicle damage then 4-Hi is safe to engage. Once you leave the trails and head back onto bitumen disengage 4H and select 2H where only the rear wheels will propel the vehicle forward.
Happy 4 Wheeling and remember, Safety First.
4-Wheel drives and off-road driving techniques has been my passion for over 20 years. Here we strive to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, information about the functionality, common faults and latest technology built into most 4 Wheel Drives.
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Вопрос Включение 4wd lock и 4wd low
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Как я понял кнопка NEUTRAL дает возможность тащить авто на буксире. Но чтобы ее нажать — нужны некие манипуляции и совсем кирдык, если случайно ее нажать?
Что такое 4wd lock? Как можно пользоваться? Как включать?
Что такое 4wd low? Как можно пользоваться? Как включать?
Что такое 4wd auto и сам знаю!
Смеяться на вопросом не стоит) Я в этом не разбираюсь))))))
12 год, спорт, 4×4
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Ничего не будет, если случайно нажать на нейтраль. Есть защита от случайностей.
4wd lock — полный овышенный, заблокирован межосевой дифф. Ездить можно по скользким, сыпучим поверхностям, где колесы могут буксовать. И только.
4wd low — тож, что сверху, тока пониженный ряд в РК. (понижайка).
- Andrey
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Как я понял кнопка NEUTRAL дает возможность тащить авто на буксире. Но чтобы ее нажать — нужны некие манипуляции и совсем кирдык, если случайно ее нажать?
случайно не нажать — только чем-то острым типа зубочистки нажать кнопочку и держать ее долго, пока не переключит
Что такое 4wd lock? Как можно пользоваться? Как включать?
жесткое подключение передка. просто включить-выключить. можно на ходу, но не в повороте и не когда буксуешь.
рулится очень плохо. использовать на сухой дороге нельзя
Что такое 4wd low? Как можно пользоваться? Как включать?
то же что и 4вдлок, только пониженная,
основное назначение в бытовых условиях- выполнение команды "копать здесь"
Авто 4ВД — стремная фигня. едешь всегда на заднем приводе, комп постоянно сравнивает скорости вращения переднего и заднего карданов. в случае, если передний начинает отставать, то ЖЕСТКО подключает передний привод, после чего сразу по прошествии 1,5-2 секунд отключает его нафиг и снова сравнивает скорости вращения, так что, если начало заносить, легко поможет угробиться.
использовать только в городе и на трассе в "каше".
вместе с тем это — предпочтительный режим "в говнах", потому как передний мост "накатывается" на грунт, не повреждая его перед задними колесами, которые в таком случае имеют лУчшее сцепление. при проскальзывании же задних стоящий на неповрежденном грунте передок бОлее эффективно поможет выехать.
4WD Lock vs 4WD Low: What is the Difference?
When driving your vehicle and taking road trips, it is inevitable that there will be driving conditions that would put your vehicle’s wheels to the test.
One must consider the roadway you are going to drive as it can be dirt roads, rural roads, snow-covered roads or long highways.
In driving four-wheel vehicles, how do you identify and compare 4WD Lock vs 4WD Low? Continue reading this article, as we provide detailed information and differentiate the two mechanisms.
Table of Contents
What’s 4WD Lock and How Does it Work?
4 wheel drive lock (or 4WD Lock) means that you are driving with an equal speed of both front and rear tires at the same time. However, it cannot lock the speeds of the wheels on the axle itself.
The transfer case of your vehicle is locked and the amount of torque received by the transfer case from the engine of the vehicle is split into the front and rear axles.
Should your front axles stop spinning, lose traction or get stuck at some point, the rear axles would continue to spin and force your way out and move you forward.
4WD Lock is used for unpaved roads or highways to drive at higher speeds at up to 55mph. It is used for snow, light sandy roads, and dirt roads, as it doubles the traction (which is the maximum amount of friction between the vehicle and the ground) of the four wheels.
Warning: Keep in mind that it is recommended to change gears when you are parked in or in a neutral state. Never shift gears when you are in the middle of a water stream or deep sand.
What does 4WD Low Mean? How Does it Work?
4 wheel drive low (4WD Low) focuses more on torque. It gives the best traction on challenging terrains, such as deep sand, uneven slopes, slippery rocks, and deep river crossings.
In other words, your vehicle’s toughness is more important than speed to overcome tricky road situations.
The speed of the vehicle mustn’t go over 15MPH during 4WD Low. You don’t want to damage your gears or get stuck on rocky surfaces.
Engaging in 4WD Low will also keep your brakes from malfunctioning, as well as the undercarriage of your vehicle during steep climbs going down slopes.
For the latest vehicles, there is a button to press when shifting into a 4WD low. Other vehicles would need to shift to neutral before using 4WD Low on tough terrains. Older trucks usually have a lever in order to shift into 4WD Low.
Pros and Cons of Driving 4WD Vehicles
- Gives your vehicle traction on snow-covered and icy roads, and dirt roads
- Provides better grip on off-road because of larger tires and extra weight
- 4WD Lock gives more power than 2WD
- Better performance for off-road when speed is needed
- Large and sturdy 4WD vehicles and can give more protection to its drivers from collisions
- Costly in terms of refueling as it uses more uses more fuel than 2WD and smaller cars
- Gas decreases in rough terrains where heavy tractions are needed
- Costly for maintenance and additional purchases of equipment such as transfer case
- Getting an insurance for 4WD vehicles can be expensive
- Heavier 4WD vehicles (around 350-500lbs) would mean added weight and difficulty in controlling the driving mechanism and maneuvering
- Not recommended for narrow spaces/city drives
Differences of 4WD Lock and 4WD Low
1. Features
4WD Lock drives with both front and rear axles at the same time and is capable for high speed driving at 40-50MPH
It requires less torque as it focuses more on speed and has center differential lock, and does not engage in cross-axle locking
On the other hand, 4WD Low uses more traction and requires tighter gear ratios. It relies more on the traction and uses less speed to get out of extreme off-road situations. Driving in 4WD low should not exceed 15MPH.
2. Capabilities
Driving in rough terrains, the Ram 1500 is a good example of a Ram 4WD lock equipped vehicle as it is equipped with eTorque, which is the standard engine for Ram pickups, as it features a hybrid of the V6 and V8 engines.
Use 4WD lock Ram 1500 to maneuver your way during off-road and is reviewed to be fast on dirt roads.
Typically, if your vehicle is capable of a 4WD lock, you need not worry should your wheels slide off during off-road as your front and rear axles are all spinning at the same time. This can get you to your destination quickly since it is meant to be driven at high speeds.
For 4WD Low, your vehicle’s wheels operate with more torque and momentum especially in deep sands or climbing up hills. It is best to drive in low speed not over 15MPH during 4WD low.
3. Driving Conditions
Use auto 4WD lock to automatically switch gears when you want to drive with all four wheels during off-road conditions such as snowy roads, mud, and dirt roads.
However, in extreme off-road conditions, it is better to use 4WD low such as when you are climbing up hills, steep slopes and declines, and deep sands.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Should I use 4WD Lock or low?
It is important to know what kind of off-road condition you are going to encounter to know which mode to use on your vehicle. Use 4WD lock if you want to drive simultaneously with your four wheels on unpaved roads. While on extreme road conditions, use 4WD Low.
What is 4WD lock used for?
4WD Lock is used for faster speeds where road conditions are not normal such as snow, light sand roads and dirt roads.
How fast can I go in 4WD lock?
In 4WD lock, your speed should not go over 55MPH. Exceeding this speed range can damage your front and rear wheels or worse your engine when off-road.
What is 4WD lock on RAM?
4WD lock on RAM allows users to drive with four wheels with equal power on off-road conditions. RAM also features a 4WD auto which is best used for snow and towing.
Is 4WD lock the same as 4WD high?
4WD lock means that the front and rear wheels are locked and spin at the same rate at the same time at high speeds. Hence, they are the same in terms of their function.
AWD vs 4WD Explained?
All-wheel drive (AWD) is used during on-road and normal road conditions, and transmits power from the engines to all four wheels at the same time. While 4WD functions by pressing a button or pulling a lever, and by doing so, the front and rear axles are locked to operate simultaneously with equal power during off-road conditions.
Which 4WD Vehicle is Better, Jeep Liberty or Jeep Compass?
In terms of drivetrain and torque, the 2022 Jeep Compass features a four-wheel drive and torque at 172 lb-ft at 3900 rpm. While 2012 Jeep Liberty’s drivetrain is rear-wheel drive and can handle torque at 235 lb-ft at 4000 rpm.
Now that you have read the difference between 4WD High vs 4WD Low, you can now identify which function to use in off-road situations. It is important to drive in 4WD lock when encountering slippery roads or dirt roads that require speed more than power.
In 4WD low, more power and brute-force is required rather than speed. If you find what you have read helpful, feel free to share this article on 4WD Lock vs 4WD Low.